Letter to santa writing paper
Wuthering Heights Research Paper Topic Feminism
Monday, August 24, 2020
4p’s on Marketing Free Essays
The Marketing Mix Strategies 1. Item Nokia’s primary item is cell phone and it has a wide scope of item portfolio including over a hundred gadgets. Nokia has delivered the main cell phone with the reception apparatus inside, the primary implicit camera, the principal variable faceplate or short-message talk work, etc. We will compose a custom exposition test on 4p’s on Marketing or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now Nokia offers different cell phones with fluctuated quality, shape, size and shading. Item division is critical factor in the cell phone market to arrive at all buyers. Nokia mobile phones can be partitioned into three classes which is business line, the sight and sound line and the associate line. The business line alludes to the cell phones that have need capacities, for example, availability (Bluetooth, WAP, web association), time the board applications, for example, a schedule. The sight and sound line is focused on the youthful clients with N-arrangement cell phones that empower clients to watch video and TV, mess around, tune in to music and different highlights, for example, route, huge limit equipment. The associate line category’s clients comprise understudies who don't have extra cash or would prefer not to pay a ton of cash for a cell phone. These gadgets are as yet in vogue and prepared some innovative highlights, for example, web, camera and mp3 player. The market inquires about of Nokia shows that the purchasers settle on choices as per their own inclinations, the item brand and the capacity of the economy when provided with the cell phone items with a similar quality. In this way, scientists in Nokia break down the various characters, isolate shopper gatherings and choose what sort of versatile ought to be provided to a specific purchaser network. This procedure is items situating. Structuring proficient cell phones with appropriate size that fits the prerequisite of the client and high innovation enablement is the thing that characterizes the Nokia brand. Customers see a brand as a significant piece of an item, and marking can increase the value of an item. Nokia continues being acceptable at trim the great brand picture by infusing independence into item plan. For instance, Nokia planners accept that the screen of a telephone is the â€Å"eye into the spirit of the product†. In advertising cell phones explicitly, every cell phone has an item lifecycle. Nokia could stretch out the product’s life to 2 years. Fruitful items progress through four essential stages: presentation, development, development and decay. This movement is known as the Product Life Cycle. The presentation stage is idea of telephone, development stage is Nokia E-Series telephone, development stage is Nokia N-Series telephones, and decrease stage is Nokia 3110. 2. Value Nokia comprehend that the greater part of the purchaser interest for convenient multifunction gadget, so the spending plan of the objective shopper for explicit model is thought of. Nokia value the items by contrasting with different items with comparable capacity in the market. Nokia Corporation, which focuses on all client sections, has a wide scope of value varieties from the lower value gathering to the more significant expense bunch contingent upon customer’s positions and needs. In the cell phone advertise, the variables influencing Nokia’s gadget costs are the expense of items, client request and rivalry. Nokia at first offers items at a more significant expense to pick up benefit. It is to repay the expense of venture and cost of innovative work. After a timeframe, the organization decreases the significant expense for starting relying upon their rival costs and they make less benefit. Be that as it may, there is as yet a huge benefit on account of expanding measure of deals. As a result of Nokia is building up as marked so it has the ability to sell items at the value they need or even lower cost when contend with other organization. This effective value technique empowers Nokia to increase upper hand in the market. The significant technique for Nokia to evaluating choice is the Brand Life Cycle Model. This model is to set various costs dependent on various life pattern of item. Nokia set a significant expense for new items, medium cost for second line items and low cost for third line items. Nokia estimating based on adequate statistical surveying on buyer number develop a development innovation that an item has, it will fruitful once the customers love and buy the items. For instance, Nokia 88 arrangement and Nokia 89 arrangement, shoppers who have solid buy capacities treat the cell phone as an image of status. So this thoughtful cell phone has a significant expense and long life cycle and will only sometimes diminish costs since they won't change their obile telephone excessively as often as possible 3. Spot Nokia Company, which doesn’t contact straightforwardly with shoppers, utilizes some disseminating channels to arrive at the clients and sells their gadgets through the versatile assistance administrators, for example, Vodafone, T-portable; autonomous cell phone retailers, for example, Carphone Warehouse, The Link; some electrical providers lik e a Dixon lastly the Company’s site. This selling arrangement did in the all nations wherein Nokia has the market gives to arrive at all customers. Organization has made simplicity of requesting Nokia handsets everywhere throughout the nation. There are around 1, 00,000 wholesalers of Nokia handsets the nation over. Dispatch of â€Å"Nokia Concept Stores†which makes buyer feels that the person in question is remaining in the cell tech-center. At first, the conveyance system was centered around urban populace discrediting developing interest in rustic zones. So as to get serious, Nokia reformulated its dispersion technique with more concentration in the provincial territories which were recently served by nearby contenders. The new endeavors made in redoing dispersion system helped support deals and expanded piece of the overall industry also. Nokia pick its neighborhood business specialist dependent on 5C guideline. Nokia will conclude whom to pick as indicated by their capital, validity, channel, participation and the board. In the mean time, focus on the system showcasing and attempt to take serious advertising procedure in all areas. For instance, Nokia picked new channel design called FD, which has capacity to change the commonplace operator into reserves stage. This spares a great deal of transitional connections. Through this strategy, the majority of Nokia restraining infrastructure stores can get the capacity of direct flexibly which guarantee its great post-deal administration. . Advancement Promotion was finished by Nokia to expand deals and their exposure. For example, Nokia offered valuable blessings, for example, get an opportunity to win Yamaha bicycles and Toyota Vios. This is to draw in buyers to buy Nokia cell phone. During celebration, for example, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Hari Raya, Nokia will consi stently hold an advancements. In publicizing part, there are printed ads utilized by the organization to advance their items. There are paper, magazines, pamphlets, TV, radio, site pennants, boards and others. In the commercial, the Company consistently underlines their notable trademark â€Å"connecting people†to manufacture connections, to unite individuals, to work together and convey. Nokia welcomes celebrated entertainers to become talked people of the items. This will draw in more purchasers on the grounds that numerous individuals will bolster their godlike object. Retailers and cell phone administrators for the most part completed deals advancement for Nokia’s gadgets. Nokia elevates the item to retailers, for example, Carphone Warehouse, at that point they elevate to purchasers. Once in a while they can be joint advancements with a bank or charge card organization. In addition, the cell phone administrators offer battles including cell phone and telephone line are the most mainstream method of advancements. Advertising additionally assume a significant job in the Nokia’s advancement systems. The organization underpins monetarily some social projects, for example, instructive exercises, good cause and acknowledge being sponsorship for sports, music and TV. Nokia has instruction, imaginative expressions and municipal commitment programs in 57 nations. These sort of social relations make Nokia progressively appealing in the psyche of purchasers to guarantee positive suppositions about the organization. Web based life is the quickest, least demanding and most savvy methods of distributing news for a worldwide crowd in profoundly obvious manner. Nokia have makes and use Facebook Fan Page, Youtube recordings to pass the messages to a more extensive crowd. For example, Nokia N9 is one of the items that have been advanced. It shows capacities and quality of Nokia N9 with imaginative path and with a reasonable music to draw consideration of potential purchasers. The most effective method to refer to 4p’s on Marketing, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Prayer for My Daughter †Analysis Essay Sample free essay sample
Examination of A Prayer for my Daughter by W. B. Yeats. Verses 9-10 Stanza 9: Yeats expresses that if disdain is ridded off. â€Å"the mind recuperates fanatic naiveté. †Hatred causes evil and power ; consequently to be freed of it is to be guiltless of these offenses. Guilelessness is lovely in grown-up females. â€Å"Innocence†is radical since it is established in the mind. â€Å"Considering that. all disdain urged subsequently. /The mind recuperates fanatic innocence†. A radical is a term for a root. In another position. the â€Å"innocence†is â€Å"radical†or unusual in light of the fact that after the war. guilelessness turned out to be progressively exceptional. Consequently. it is â€Å"radical†or something new to be guiltless. as it challenges the progression of show. â€Å"And learns finally that it is self-pleasing. /self-conciliating. self-affrighting†. Guilelessness causes these properties in the mind. It enchants the mind. for there is no despise ; it is tranquil and encouraging. however it is â€Å"self-affrighting’ in light of the fact that it is frightening that others can exploit one’s naiveté. We will compose a custom exposition test on A Prayer for My Daughter †Analysis Essay Sample or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page â€Å"That its ain Sweet will in Heaven’s will ;/She can. despite the fact that each face should glower/And each blowy one-fourth ululation/Or each howl blast. be cheerful still. †Goodness is heaven’s will in light of the fact that the mind should be acceptable. Goodness fulfills Anne: â€Å"its own Sweet will is Heaven’s will. †Yeats territories that Anne can even now be cheerful in the midst of disorder. misery. wrangles and occupations in the event that she is guiltless and liberated from contempt. â€Å"She can. despite the fact that each face should glare/And each blowy one-fourth yell/Or truly howls blast. be upbeat still. On the off chance that she is acceptable. no 1 can hurt her. So guys will non overwhelm her ( ? ) If the mind knows itself. â€Å"wind†or dangerous powers can non hurt her. for the head finds a sense of contentment with itself. Artistic gadgets: rehash †â€Å"self-charming/self-mollifying. self-affrighting†Parallelism †â€Å"self-pleasing/self-mollifying. self-affrighting†Metaphors †â€Å"every face ought to scowl††bitterness and malevolence â€Å"bellows burst††anarchy. proclamations. May hold notice to McBride’s â€Å"hot air†or people’s blast assessments without outcome. Tone: divulgence. fantasizing. prophesizing Refrain 10: Yeats trusts that Anne will get hitched â€Å"and may her groom carry her to a house/Where all’s acclimated. self important. †He needs her to hold a decent. conventional hubby. Perhaps he needs her to get hitched into a decent. grandiose family unit. He needs her to populate in use and formal. He does non want haughtiness and contempt in her place. as that happens ordinarily outside in the revolting. regular groups â€Å"thoroughfares†and would bring down herself. Conceivably referencing to the ruinous powers outside. It is take bringing down. take bringing down herself and being uncouth. as one can happen â€Å"arrogance and hatred†in the â€Å"thoroughfares†just as they re normal. harsh â€Å"wares. †Innocence and excellence and developed by use and stately. Yeats draws out his optimal virtuousnesss †use. stylized. beauty. respectability and naiveté. â€Å"How yet in utilization and function/Are naiveté and excellen ce conceived? †If we take â€Å"born†for its real essentialness. by and by. Yeats needs his young lady to hold guiltless. lovely children and these virtuousnesss are instilled through utilization and formal. Couple: â€Å"Ceremony’s a name for the rich horn. /And use for the spreading shrub tree. †The rich Horn of Plenty is certain now ; as it has contributions. it permits stylized. For it is grandiose to hold beneficial things and offer them. Perhaps Yeats needs Anne to be agreeable and comfortable. A horn other than speaks to formal when one blows it to signify something. Custom is a convention which is â€Å"rooted. †When you works a tree. it roots. Thus. utilization is spoken to by a tree. The spot which teaches use is the foundation of the children’s virtuousnesss. Thus. use is spoken to by a tree. The disseminating shrub tree. is custom however prior on. it is referenced that Anne is a shrub ; tree. As shrub tree speaks to use. it is â€Å"spreading†in light of the fact that Yeats needs Anne to disperse use among her family unit. A shrub tree might be viewed as a family unit tree. In that case. it is other than circulating on the grounds that Yeats needs Anne to hold kids †the regions which spread. doing a greater family unit †and spread utilization all through the coevalss. Note that the term â€Å"olive-branches†implies posterity. This is unconventionally arranged in light of the fact that in this verse. Yeats discusses marriage. consequently kids are conceived and utilization is spread.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Making Your Statement of Purpose Stand Out
Making Your Statement of Purpose Stand Out Whereas a good college entrance essay is typically filled with personal stories and lessons gleaned from your high school years, the statement of purpose lends itself to a heavier academic focus for those applying to advanced programs for masters and doctoral degrees, faculty positions and research posts. A standard, feel-good essay about your lifes greatest challenges wont do here. To make your statement of purpose stand out, it needs to be rife with interesting research, admirable extracurricular activities and volunteerism, and compelling reasons why you (like everyone else) would be good at teaching.Taking entrance essays to a new levelThe statement of purpose may sound intimidating to some, but it shouldnt be. If youve come this far that youre ready to apply to advanced education programs, youve undoubtedly earned your keep to get here. The trick is to transform all the work youve done and reasons why you want to pursue this path further into an engaging, yet succinct, essay tha t leaves an admissions committee member saying, This person will be a real asset to our department!Writing a great statement of purpose (SOP) is quite similar to selling yourself to an employer in a terrific cover letter that will accompany your resume (which, often times, youll submit with your SOP, too). You already know your skills and assets that make you sellable; the key is to find out what the university youre applying to is interested in buying.This is where a little research can come in handy. Chances are you may already know some about the courses, disciplines or research the university youre applying to is conducting, or you may even know someone on staff or already enrolled in the program. Whatever your sources, do your research and find out what kinds of projects you might be able to work on, or what new or unique talents you can bring to the department if accepted. This could mean reading up online or in journals on the colleges recent research, talking to professors o r students you may know about whats going on there, scheduling a meeting with the dean of the department or a professor you idolize (youd be surprised how willing they are to meet with potential students if you are gracious and admiring when asking), or even chatting with the department secretary by phone for a few minutes some quiet afternoon. Think of it like answering a job ad in the Sunday paper â€" youre feeling out your sources for the qualifications this college needs in a candidate, and once you find them, you can talk up your skills in an impressive SOP thats sure to get you noticed.Let the selling beginSelling yourself to a university is all in the phrasing. Once youve researched their needs, you begin by looking over your body of research, schooling, outside activities, and future aspirations and match them up to what they need. And while some of this may require a fair amount of straight-out telling in your writing (i.e., listing your dissertation(s), studies involved in , publications youve written, labs youve worked with and other special projects), there is still room for some brief background history (such as being born in China or growing up from a line of five engineers) or personal stories that can help you emotionally connect with the reader.For instance, among the text-heavy description of the research youve worked on for the last three years, a nice, humanizing touch might be to add something like:In late May of this year, the three-year study I had at first grudgingly joined came to a close. My emotions were mixed, as I had come to truly enjoy and look forward to my work in the lab, while at the same time I had been waiting for the day we would examine our results and hope for the outcome wed hypothesized. When that day came, I couldnt have been happier to realize that my repetitive and, at times, isolating work on the project had in some way helped to further the field of research into Alzheimers disease and put us that much closer to a cure.Just as with any essay, this method of showing the reader an experience you have had throughout your work goes a tremendous way in helping them relate to you. With just three to five sentences of honest emotion about your experiences, the reader gets so much more than from only a monotonous list of your projects and qualifications.Everyone wants to teachJust as in Hollywood, where every actor wants to direct, in academia, it seems every scholar wants to teach. While its only natural that the professional student should eventually want to become a teacher, suffice it to say that the reason because I want to help people has been used a bazillion times before.Therefore, finding some more compelling, unique reasons to bring education to the masses is in order. Perhaps you feel the worlds love of biochemistry is dually lacking and you could change that with your hands-on, science-is-fun approach. Or maybe you had a particularly life-altering professor that you now aspire to imitate for a new generation of students â€" then tell the university why and how you would do so in your SOP. Whatever the reason you wish to teach, be genuine but steer clear of answers that are too general or overused.When I grow up…And finally, dont forget to dream big when detailing your future aspirations in your SOP. Perhaps your goal is to be a professor, or maybe youd just like to conduct advanced research in highway engineering projects for the rest of your days, but dont be afraid to think outside the box to the research that hasnt even been touched on yet. Perhaps youd like to be the first to pioneer research on freeways controlled completely by computer â€" then dont be afraid to say so. Maybe you dream of one day heading the department youre now applying to â€" then tell them that (in a subtle but admirable way, not Ill have your job one day, buddy!).Whatever your field, letting a university know that youd be a positive addition to their department while still stroking the s chools collective ego in a respectful (not kiss-up) way, is key in making your statement of purpose stand out from the rest. Let your achievements and work speak for themselves, but be sure to match them up with exactly what the school is looking for and cant do without, and in no time youll be sitting pretty in a research lab.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
3 Prominent Themes Found in William Shakespeares Othello
In Shakespeares Othello, themes are essential to the working of the play. The text is a rich tapestry of plot, character, poetry, and theme – elements which come together to form one of the Bards most engaging tragedies. Othello Theme 1: Race Shakespeare’s Othello is a Moor, a black man - indeed, one of the first black heroes in English literature. The play deals with interracial marriage. Others have a problem with it, but Othello and Desdemona are happily in love. Othello holds an important position of power and influence. He has been accepted into Venetian society based on his bravery as a soldier. Iago uses Othello’s race to ridicule and belittle him, at one point calling him â€Å"thick lips†. Othello’s insecurities surrounding his race ultimately lead to his belief that Desdemona is having an affair. As a black man, he doesn’t feel he is worthy of his wife’s attention or that he has been embraced by Venetian society. Indeed, Brabanzio is unhappy about his daughter’s choice of suitor, due to his race. He is quite happy to have Othello regale stories of bravery to him but when it comes to his daughter, Othello is not good enough. Brabanzio is convinced that Othello has used trickery to get Desdemona to marry him: â€Å"O thou damned thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter? Damned as thou art, thou hast enchanted her, For I’ll refer me to all things of sense, If she in chains of magic were not bound, Whether a maid so tender, fair, and happy, So opposite to marriage that she shunned The wealthy curled darlings of our nation, Would ever have t’incur a general mock, Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom Of such a thing as thou†Brabanzio: Act 1 Scene 3. Othello’s race is an issue for Iago and Brabanzio but, as an audience, we are rooting for Othello, Shakespeare’s celebration of Othello as a black man is ahead of its time, the play encourages the audience to side with him and take against the white man who is mocking him just because of his race. Othello Theme 2: Jealousy The story of Othello is propelled by feelings of intense jealousy. All of the action and consequences that unfold are the result of jealousy. Iago is jealous of Cassio’s appointment as lieutenant over him, he also believes that Othello has had an affair with Emilia, his wife, and harbors plans for revenge on him as a result. Iago also appears to be envious of Othello’s standing in Venetian society; despite his race, he has been celebrated and accepted in society. Desdemona’s acceptance of Othello as a worthy husband demonstrates this and this acceptance is due to Othello’s valor as a soldier, Iago is envious of Othello’s position. Roderigo is jealous of Othello because he is in love with Desdemona. Roderigo is essential to the plot, his actions act as a catalyst in the narrative. It is Roderigo who goads Cassio into the fight which loses him his job, Roderigo attempts to kill Cassio so that Desdemona stays in Cyprus and eventually Roderigo exposes Iago. Iago convinces Othello, erroneously, that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. Othello reluctantly believes Iago but is finally convinced of his wife’s betrayal. So much so that he kills her. Jealousy leads to Othello’s degradation and ultimate downfall. Othello Theme 3: Duplicity â€Å"Certain, men should be what they seem†Othello: Act 3, Scene 3 Unfortunately for Othello, the man who he trusts in the play, Iago, is not what he seems he is scheming, duplicitous and has a deep malevolent loathing for his master. Othello is made to believe that Cassio and Desdemona are the duplicitous ones. This mistake of judgment leads to his downfall. Othello is prepared to believe Iago over his own wife because of his faith in his servant’s honesty; â€Å"This fellow’s of exceeding honesty†(Othello, Act 3 Scene 3). He doesn’t see any reason why Iago might double cross him. Iago’s treatment of Roderigo is also duplicitous, treating him as a friend or at least a comrade with a common goal, only to kill him in order to cover up his own guilt. Fortunately, Roderigo was savvier to Iago’s duplicity than he knew, hence the letters exposing him. Emilia could be accused of duplicity in exposing her own husband. However, this endears her to the audience and demonstrates her honesty in that she has discovered her husband’s wrongdoings and is so outraged that she exposes him.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Call Center Sample Sheet Free Essays
Call Center and Online Advertising Offer Sheet Needed: Seeking Experienced Centers for the following offers: Reverse Mortgage – $12 per call and PayChex (B2B) $18 per call. If you can do these offers let us know and we’ll set the offers up on our network. Service Majic: WE ARE LOOKING FOR CALLERS INTERESTED IN BEING MATCHED UP WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR. We will write a custom essay sample on Call Center Sample Sheet or any similar topic only for you Order Now Various home repair areas of interest. Let us know if you have experience in this vertical. The Scooter Store: Live call transfer, pay per call campaign. The leading provider of power chairs and scooters for people with limited mobility, with a strong tradition of customer service. Payout: $12 per lead, 2 minute min call (120 seconds). Live Campaigns ready to go: The Scooter Store: Live call transfer, pay per call campaign. The leading provider of power chairs and scooters for people with limited mobility, with a strong tradition of customer service. Payout: $12 per lead, 2 minute min call (120 seconds). RateChecker. com: Mortgage Refinance campaign. Exclusive Leads Only. Online Form: $15 per lead 24/7 operation, USA target, Refinance loan over $100,000. Good credit or better LTV less than 90% . Call Center (ftp voice files) or Web Traffic Leads Accepted. No Incentives No coregs Leads cannot be sold to other entities. Loan Modification Live Call Transfer Campaign: $15 per lead if call is longer than 1 min 30 seconds. Target: USA Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am to 9pm EST. Quicken Loans: Call transfer campaign. 24/7 operation, USA target. WE ARE LOOKING FOR CALLERS INTERESTED IN REFINANCE, HOME EQUITY OR HOME PURCHASE LOANS, WITH GOOD TO EXCELLENT CREDIT – MINIMUM CREDIT SCORE OF 620+. Payouts: Customer must be on the phone with Quicken Loans for at least 90 seconds. $11. 00 per call if duration 1 min 30 sec. Note: There is no IVR, you are doing a live transfer to Quicken Loans. Payments are monthly net 20. 100DayLoans Pay Per Call Campaign: Live call transfer campaign. It’s that easy! We search more banks, Financial Companies, and Payday Lenders for the highest loan amounts and the lowest interest rates available. Our automated system can search over 122 Credit Loan providers to lend you the funds you need. Payout: $5. 00 per call if connect_duration ; 90 sec. Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Arizona Time) Auto Insurance Quote: Fill out online form at StartAutoLoan. om: This car insurance quote campaign is pure lead gen. Call Center to make outbound call and get customer on the phone. Customer must be interested in getting free car insurance quotes from multiple companies that will compete for the business. Record calls for quality assurance and fill out the quick form online†¦. $4 per lead. Payments are Monthly, net 20. Auto Warranty Expired pay per call offer: Avoid Unne cessary Auto Costs! Is your manufacturers auto warranty about to expire or expired? Is Your Car Under 10 Years Old with Less than 100k Miles? CALL NOW to Get an Extended Auto Protection Plan! Payout: $10. 00 per call if in_region and during_hours and connect_duration ; 1 min 30 sec. Devry University: pay per call campaign: Get customer on the phone and give them the 800# to call. Customer must call the 800# themselves†¦. this is not a live transfer, customer must dial the 800#. Payout: $15 per lead where customer is on the phone with Devry for at least 2 min (120 seconds) or more. Payments are monthly net 20. Hours: Mon-Fri 😠  8:00 am to 9:00 pm| (all times Central)| CollegeandTuition. com Education Call Transfer: Campaign 1 (Feb 20 Launch date): EDU live call transfer campaign. Get paid $15-$20 per lead. Each student could be submitted up to 4 schools so you get paid each time their information is submitted to a school. Overall you should average 1. 5-1. 8 schools per lead. Call center to get customer on the phone and prequalify they have graduated high school. Payments are monthly net 30 Campaign 2: EDU live call transfer. Interested in Continuing Your Education to Further Your Career, Get a Promotion, or Maybe Even Change Your Profession? Get a Free Education Counseling Session to Quickly Help You Find the Best School for Your Studies and Financial Situation. All online and Campus based schools, very large portfolio of schools for leads. Payout: $7. 00 per call if in_region and during_hours and duration ; 45 sec Target: USA, Calling Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm, Sat:10:00 am-5:00 pm, (all times Eastern) Campaign 3: EDU live call transfer. If You’re A High School Graduate and are Looking for a Better Paying Job, Getting Your College Degree will Help Increase Your Earning Potential. Our inbound transfers are focused on the following degrees and programs: business, criminal justice, IT, health administration (not Nursing), and medical billing. Online and Campus. Target: USA Payout: $9. 00 per call if connect_duration 1 min. Hours: Mon-Fri : 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Sat : 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (all times Mountain) Lawsuit Cash Advance Campaign: People who are involved in a lawsuit but have not settled lawsuit. Great for subprime data. Get 5% of cash advance loan amount. Most loans are $2,000 to $5,000 and get funded within 72 hours. Pai d weekly. Direct TV campaign: Outbound call then Live Call transfer to Direct TV, 24/7 operation. Base: $1. 00 per call if in_region and pressed[1] and connect_duration 3 min Bonus: $6. 00 per call if connect_duration 15 min Bonus: $7. 00 per call if connect_duration 20 min DIRECTV packages start at $29. 99/month for 12 months and a Free Whole Home Upgrade with a two year agreement. Free HD (requires choice Xtra package or above and auto bill pay. ) DIRECTV delivers satellite-based television and broadband services to over 18 million US customers in homes and businesses. With our electronic program guide, digital video recorder (DVR) services, interactive features, HD programming and quality customer service, DIRECTV continues to offer consumers a superior alternative to cable and a superior offering for affiliate partners. DIRECTV subscribers enjoy access to over 285 channels of 100% digital picture and sound, exclusive programming and the most comprehensive collection of sports programming available anywhere, including NFL SUNDAY TICKETâ„ ¢ To-Go and MLB EXTRA INNINGS ®. Payments are monthly net 20. DISH Network Campaign: Live call transfers. $7 per call if over 2 minutes. Take advantage of the best value in entertainment with DISH Network from DISH 2 U! Reach your customer base with all the latest promotions, including: FREE Movie Channels FREE Multi-Sport Pack Featuring Red Zone Blockbuster Movies Included FREE HD for Life FREE DVR FREE Installation up to 6 Rooms Switch to DISH Network and Save Over $800! With packages starting as low as $19. 99/mo and next day installs available, there is something for everyone from DISH Network! Payments are monthly net 20. www. iCheckLoan. com: payday loan outbound campaign, rev-share 70% to the call center. Get customer on the phone, give customer a pin number and have the customer go to iCheckLoan. com to complete the loan application. Payments are weekly net 7. www. 2500CreditLine. com: Get paid $10 per sign up. No credit checks and No turndowns. Payments are weekly net 7. Customer get a $2,500 shopping line of credit and a Dollar for Dollar Rewards Prepaid MasterCard. If customer put $100 on their MasterCard, they will get another $100 put on the card = $200!!! The instant credit line costs the customer $99. 95 one-time sign up fee. Credit line has 0% interest, no APR, no finance charges or late fees. Debt Settlement Campaign: No Up Front Fees to Customers. Inbound campaign†¦yes inbound campaign. Experienced Debt Settlement call centers only. Take our inbound live calls where customer is on phone and wants more info on Debt Settlement services. Get customer to eSign contract. $100 payout per customer who’s first payment clears. Commissions Paid Weekly. Psychic Live Reading Campaign: $20 per sign up. Target is all English and Spanish speaking countries. Call center get customer on the phone and fill out form online. Customer then must check their email to confirm registration and minimum payment of $27. 99 to join. Payments are monthly net 30. Credit Repair: Call Transfer Campaign: customers have $10,000 or less in Debt, not considering Bankruptcy, typically have been declined for some type of loan recently. Payments are Monthly. Mon-Fri : 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Sat : 7:00 am to 2:00 pm (all times Mountain) Base: $3. 00 per call if duration = 10 min and during_hours and in_region Bonus: $6. 00 per call if duration 20 min and during_hours Bonus: $50. 00 per call if = â€Å"Funded Sale†Payments are monthly net 20 TheLawyerDirectory. com – Free Legal Case Review – $10 per lead for Bankruptcy, Divorce, DUI/DWI, Criminal Defense. $20 per lead for Personal Injury. Fill out forms online. Payments are monthly, net 20. The Car Donation Pay Per Call Affiliate Program: Base: $10. 0 per call if during_hours and in_region and connect_duration 2 min and pressed[1] Bonus: $10. 00 per call if during_hours and in_region and connect_duration 4 min and pressed[1] Bonus: $10. 00 per call if during_hours and in_region and connect_duration 6 min and pressed[1] Call Transfer Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (all times Eastern) Target Regions: All US A car donation is one of the most ef fective ways to get the most value out of your old or disused vehicles. At Car Donations Charity we can help you maximize your tax deduction and make sure your car does the most good. The process is simple and convenient, and we will help you through every step of the process, from the pickup to the delivery of the tax deductible receipt. It’s never been easier to donate your car to a charitable organization. Payments are monthly net 20 Health Insurance Pay Per Call Campaign: Outbound call then live transfer. Let us find you the right insurance plan. We are able to find the best rates from Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Humana,  Aetna and other insurance providers. Payout: Base: $3. 00 per call if during_hours and in_region and connect_duration 1 min 30 sec, Bonus: $15. 0 per call if connect_duration 5 min 30 sec. Target Regions: California, Colorado, Nevada Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm pst. California Home Insurance Pay per call: Let us find you the right home insurance plan. We are able to find the best rates from Mercury, Progressive, Safeco, Travelers, and other insurance providers. We are taking calls from California residents looking for homeo wner’s insurance. Payout: $10. 00 per call if connect_duration ; 2 min and during_hours Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (all times Pacific) Target Regions: California Canda Life Insurance PayPer call: Call now to receive your free, no obligation, no medical exam life insurance quote! LSM Insurance is Canada’s leading provider of no medical life insurance. We have been in business over 18 years and work with the largest insurance carriers in Canada including Manulife Financial, Canada Life, RBC Insurance and BMO Insurance. Payout: $5. 00 per call if in_region and during_hours and connect_duration ; 1 min and pressed [ 1] Target Region: Canada Debt Collection Harassment Phone Verified Leads: Call center will fill out form online and submit leads during hours of operation listed. Payout: $5 per lead USA Residents Offers Coming Soon RateChecker. com: Complete Free Quote Portal offering all types of loans, insurance, and other types of financial information. Pure Lead Gen campaigns for online, offline and call centers. DiabeticCareTaker. com – Diabetic Medicare Lead Gen Campaign: Auto Warranty: Lead gen live call transfer. Call center makes outbound calls to potential customers who want to extend their auto warranty that is expiring or will expire soon. Payments are twice a month. Home Security Campaign – Lead gen live call transfer campaign where people are interested in getting a Free home security system installed. Customer only pays monthly fee, the equipment is free. Payments are once a month. Don’t see something you already have data for Please let me know 1. What campaigns you are interested in 2. I have the scripts and guidelines to assist with each program. 3. Send your company info as well for an Insertion order. Thank you, Scott Thompson, CEO Astoria Company, LLC. Admin@AstoriaCompany. com Skype: affiliatescott How to cite Call Center Sample Sheet, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Legal Authority free essay sample
The case study references one state statute. Identify it and explain what it prohibits. Texas Penal Code Section 42. 01(a)(3): Desecration of a venerable object. 2. Which branch of government (executive, judicial, or legislative) created the state statute? This was created by the Judicial branch. 3. The passage above also discusses one court case. Who were the parties involved in the case? State v Johnson 4. The case was heard by three lower courts before it reached the United States Supreme Court. List those three courts in order, beginning with the court that has the most authority and ending with the court that has the least amount of authority. a. Texas Court of Criminal Appeals b. Texas Court of Appeals Fifth District c. Dallas County Criminal Court 5. Provide the citation for the United States Supreme Court’s decision in this case. Texas v Johnson, 491 U. S. 397 (1989) 6. What effect did the United States Supreme Court’s decision have on the Texas statute? Johnson’s actions were protected under freedom of speech. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Authority or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The decision held the statute did not uphold the goal of preventing breaches of peace. The state statute was inconsistent with First Amendment and was struck down. There are a few differences between case law and statutory law. Statutory law is passed by running a Bill through the House of Representatives and the Senate. It needs to get the required amount votes to pass it . It then needs to be signed by Governor or the President. Case law are rules and procedures that come about as a result of a court case that requires interpretation of statutory law. Statutory law can change on a whim from session to session, or even during the same session that it was produced in. To change case law takes a longer amount of time since it requires new court cases to make the new decisions used to amend the previous law.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Useful Japanese Verbs
Useful Japanese Verbs There are two kinds of verbs in Japanese, (1) the be-verbs, da or desu, and (2) common verbs ending with the ~ u sound. As for the be-verbs (is, are, am), da is used for the informal present tense and desu is for the formal present tense. There is no grammatical subject-verb agreement in Japanese. Da is used for the present tense of the to be-verb (is, are, am) regardless of the person and number of the subject. For example, it is used in all of the following three situations like, I am a student (Watashi wa gakusei da), He is a student (Kare wa gakusei da) and We are students (Watashitachi wa gakusei da). Beside the be-verbs, all other verbs in Japanese end with the vowel ~ u. Japanese verbs conjugate according to the suffixes that is attached to the verb stem. Verb endings are changed to indicate past tense, negation, passive and causative mood. The rules for conjugation in Japanese verbs are simpler compared to some languages, such as English or French. The conjugation patterns are not affected by gender, a person (such as the first, second, and third person), or the number (singular and plural). Here is a list of the basic Japanese verbs and their pronunciation. I focus on the non-past tense in my list. It is the plain form that is used in informal situations. It is also the form listed in dictionaries. It is equivalent to both future and past tense in English. (there) is; be; havearuã ‚ã‚‹ be (for living things)iruã „ã‚‹ do; makesuru㠙る do; performokonauè ¡Å'ã †make; manufacturetsukuruä ½Å"ã‚‹ be possible; ready; good atdekiru㠧ã ã‚‹ beginhajimaruÃ¥ §â€¹Ã£ ¾Ã£â€šâ€¹ raise​okosuè µ ·Ã£ “ã â„¢ continuetsuzukuç ¶Å¡Ã£ repeatkurikaesuç ¹ °Ã£â€šÅ è ¿â€Ã£ â„¢ stoptomaruæ ¢Ã£ ¾Ã£â€šâ€¹ give upyameruã‚„ã‚ ã‚‹ omithabukuçÅ" ã finishowaruç µâ€šÃ£â€š ã‚‹ endsumuæ ¸Ë†Ã£â€šâ‚¬ advance; progresssusumué€ ²Ã£â€šâ‚¬ be late​okurerué …ã‚Å'ã‚‹ increasefueruÃ¥ ¢â€"㠈る decreaseheruæ ¸â€ºÃ£â€šâ€¹ be left over; have spareamaruä ½â„¢Ã£â€šâ€¹ remainnokoruæ ®â€¹Ã£â€šâ€¹ sufficetariruè ¶ ³Ã£â€šÅ ã‚‹ lack; be short ofkakeruæ ¬ ã ‘ã‚‹ crosskosuè ¶Å ã â„¢ goikuè ¡Å'ã comekuruæ ¥Ã£â€šâ€¹ go outderuå‡ ºÃ£â€šâ€¹ enterhairuå… ¥Ã£â€šâ€¹ take outdasuå‡ ºÃ£ â„¢ put inireruå… ¥Ã£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ return; come backkaeruÃ¥ ¸ °Ã£â€šâ€¹ asktazuneruã Ÿã šã ã‚‹ answerkotaeruç â€Ã£ ˆã‚‹ mentionnoberuè ¿ °Ã£ ¹Ã£â€šâ€¹ make noisesawagué ¨â€™Ã£ shinehikaru光る stand outmedatsuç› ®Ã§ «â€¹Ã£ ¤ appeararawareruç ¾Ã£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ openakeruéâ€"‹ã ‘ã‚‹ closeshimeruéâ€"‰ã‚ ã‚‹ giveageruã ‚ã ’ã‚‹ receivemorauもらã †taketoruÃ¥ â€"ã‚‹ catch​tsukamaeruæ •ã ¾Ã£ ˆã‚‹ geteruÃ¥ ¾â€"ã‚‹ loseushinauÃ¥ ¤ ±Ã£ †look forsagasuæŽ ¢Ã£ â„¢ findmitsukeruè ¦â€¹Ã£ ¤Ã£ ‘ã‚‹ pick uphirouæ‹ ¾Ã£ †throw awaysuteruæ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£â€šâ€¹ dropochiruè ½Ã£ ¡Ã£â€šâ€¹ usetsukauä ½ ¿Ã£ †handle, treatatsukauæ‰ ±Ã£ †carryhakobué ‹ã ¶ hand overwatasuæ ¸ ¡Ã£ â„¢ deliverkubarué… ã‚‹ returnkaesuè ¿â€Ã£ â„¢ approachyoruÃ¥ ¯â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹ crosswataruæ ¸ ¡Ã£â€šâ€¹ passtooru通る hurryisoguæ€ ¥Ã£ run awaynigerué€Æ'ã ’ã‚‹ chaseouè ¿ ½Ã£ †hidekakureruéš ã‚Å'ã‚‹ lose ones waymayouè ¿ ·Ã£ †waitmatsuÃ¥ ¾â€¦Ã£ ¤ moveutsuruç § »Ã£â€šâ€¹ turn; facemukuÃ¥ ‘ã riseagaruä ¸Å ã Å'ã‚‹ go downsagaruä ¸â€¹Ã£ Å'ã‚‹ incline; leankatamukuå‚ ¾Ã£ shake; swayyureruæ ºÃ£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ fall downtaoreru倒ã‚Å'ã‚‹ hitataruÃ¥ ½â€œÃ£ Ÿã‚‹ collidebutsukaru㠶㠤ã ‹ã‚‹ separate from; leavehanarerué› ¢Ã£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ meetauä ¼Å¡Ã£ †run into; meet by chancedeauå‡ ºÃ¤ ¼Å¡Ã£ †welcomemukaeruè ¿Å½Ã£ ˆã‚‹ send offmiokuruè ¦â€¹Ã©â‚¬ ã‚‹ take with; accompanytsureteikué€ £Ã£â€šÅ'㠦è ¡Å'ã call; send foryobuå‘ ¼Ã£ ¶ pay; supply; put backosameruç ´ ã‚ ã‚‹ put; leaveokuç ½ ®Ã£ line up; queuenarabuä ¸ ¦Ã£ ¶ settle; tidy upmatomeru㠾㠨ã‚ ã‚‹ collectatsumaru集㠾ã‚‹ dividewakeru分ã ‘ã‚‹ dispersechiruæ• £Ã£â€šâ€¹ be disorderedmidareruä ¹ ±Ã£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ be rough; stormyareruè ’ã‚Å'ã‚‹ extendhirogaruÃ¥ ºÆ'ã Å'ã‚‹ spreadhiromaruÃ¥ ºÆ'㠾ã‚‹ swell; inflatefukuramu㠵ã らむ attach; turn ontsukuä »ËœÃ£ go out; put out; erasekieruæ ¶Ë†Ã£ ˆã‚‹ pile up; loadtsumuç © ã‚€ pile upkasanerué‡ ã ã‚‹ press down; suppressosaeru押㠈る place (thing) betweenhasamu㠯ã •ã‚€ stick; paste onharuè ² ¼Ã£â€šâ€¹ put togetherawaseruÃ¥ ˆã‚ 㠛る bendmagaruæ› ²Ã£ Å'ã‚‹ break; snaporu折る be torn; tearyabureruç ´Ã£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ break; destroykowareruÃ¥ £Å ã‚Å'ã‚‹ get well; correctnaoruç› ´Ã£â€šâ€¹ tiemusubuç µ ã ¶ bind; tieshibaruç ¸â€ºÃ£â€šâ€¹ wind; coilmakuÃ¥ · »Ã£ surroundkakomuå› ²Ã£â€šâ‚¬ turn; rotatemawaru回る hangkakeru掛ã ‘ã‚‹ decoratekazarué £ ¾Ã£â€šâ€¹ take out; outstripnukuæŠÅ"ã be disconnected; come offhazureru㠯ã šã‚Å'ã‚‹ become slack; loosenyurumuゆるむ leakmoreruã‚‚ã‚Å'ã‚‹ dryhosuÃ¥ ¹ ²Ã£ â„¢ be soakedhitasuæ µ ¸Ã£ â„¢ mixmajiruæ · ·Ã£ ˜ã‚‹ extend; stretchnobiruä ¼ ¸Ã£ ³Ã£â€šâ€¹ shrink; shortenchijimuç ¸ ®Ã£â€šâ‚¬ include; containfukumuÃ¥ «Ã£â€šâ‚¬ want; neediruã „ã‚‹ ask for; wantmotomeruæ ±â€šÃ£â€š ã‚‹ show; indicateshimesuç ¤ ºÃ£ â„¢ examine; investigateshiraberuè ª ¿Ã£ ¹Ã£â€šâ€¹ make suretashikameruç ¢ ºÃ£ ‹ã‚ ã‚‹ recognize; approvemitomeruè ª ã‚ ã‚‹
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